2020➡2023: How Writing Changed My Life

Three years ago, I was working as a civil engineer at a top NIT.

For most people around me, this was a career to stick to for life.

After all, what more could you ask for after getting a secure government job?

People congratulated me and advised me to settle down to enjoy the benefits of a stable career.

But the catch was — I wasn’t satisfied.

I always loved writing and wanted to make a career out of it.

The fire burnt bright in my heart. I knew I couldn’t let it die.

I ignored everything others wanted me to do and followed my gut. I started writing alongside my day job in the hopes of achieving my dream someday.

This led my days back in Feb 2020 to look like this:

  • Wake up at 7 AM, cook breakfast, and rush to work.
  • Spend 9 hours at the office, mostly doing routine work that demanded no creative thinking.
  • Come home, go for a quick run, have dinner, and rest.
  • Spend 2 hours at night writing and working on my side hustles.

I lived alone, had very few people I could call “friends,” and made about INR 40k (~$450 US) a month.

But thanks to my side hustles, here’s what a typical day in my life looks like in May 2023:

  • Wake up at 9.30, take my dog on a morning walk, and work out.
  • Spend ~30 minutes in meetings, and ~2 hours writing about things that make me feel fulfilled.
  • Have the rest of the day to explore new skills, learn about business, and take up new challenges that creatively satisfy me.

I live with amazing friends who are also working on their dreams. I’ve picked up new hobbies and met people who inspire me every day. In my best months, I earn $10k+ by working ~15 hours each week.

How did this magic transformation happen?

Because I discovered the world of freelance writing and how to conquer it even when the competition is at its peak and AI is trying to replace writers.

Curious to know what exactly happened?

I’ll share the story first with my email subscribers. Join my email family, and don’t forget to share this story with writer friends who want to make extra side income online but are unable to think beyond their day job. 💵

They’ll thank you!

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