3 Websites That Pay up to $750 per Article for Writers

Earn money by writing about what you love.

3 Websites That Pay up to $750 per Article for Writers
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Earn money by writing about what you love.

Making money by writing stories from the comfort of your home sounds like a dream, doesn’t it?

If you’ve clicked to read this article, you’re likely intrigued by the possibility of being paid $750 for each article. You might be thinking, “Wow, this is such a cool opportunity for beginner writers.”

But the harsh truth?

Read on.

How to get accepted into websites that pay well?

Before we dive into the main topic, let me clarify a few things. Any website that pays you for writing will only accept articles that meet certain criteria. Here they are:

1. It must fit the language of their website

Every website works diligently to establish a niche for itself.

If you familiarize yourself with a site and its last 20 or so published posts, you’ll get a good sense of its target audience. Keep this in mind and tailor your article accordingly.

2. It should draw more audience

Every website aims to increase its total page visits.

If your article is engaging, shareworthy, and has repeat value, websites will favor it. If you can create timeless pieces, something that would still make sense even ten years from now, your chances of getting accepted increase.

3. Adherence to formatting rules

Each website has different formatting preferences. Some prefer that you break your article into sections with subheadings, while others like it as a chunk of text.

You can understand a site’s formatting preference by going through its detailed submission guidelines.

With that out of the way, let’s delve into the main topic: Three websites that pay up to $750 for each article.

Before we begin, here’s a more candid video explaining the same —

1. Clever

Clever is a digital extension of Architectural Digest, an American monthly magazine founded in 1920. The goal of Clever is to provide design advice for real life through actionable tips.

If you’re a designer or have architectural or interior design knowledge, your articles would be a perfect fit for Clever.

They prefer witty and conversational articles that provide the reader with tools to create their dream home. The style should be more individualistic, focusing on how to bring out your creative side.

Clever pays $200 for articles that are 700 to 800 words long. However, an article of around 600 words with photo captions and lists can fetch up to $300.

Read their detailed submission guidelines here.

2. Business Insider

Business Insider is a well-known platform, especially if you’ve ever Googled anything about entrepreneurship, online money-making, or building a business.

They are accepting articles in 2023, paying $320 for personal essays and $350 for interview pieces with successful entrepreneurs.

The topics they’re currently looking for include people who have learned to make money by doing everyday things. It’s not limited to high achievers. Small business owners and solopreneurs in a specific niche can write their personal essays.

Read their detailed submission guidelines here.

3. Mobilization Lab (Mob Lab)

Mob Lab is currently looking for stories that provide lessons and innovation in advocacy campaigns. Their goal is to equip advocacy campaigners and their organizations to succeed in the network age through transformative, participatory, and collaborative approaches to social change.

These stories will require heavy research and expert opinions, but it’s worth it as they pay $500 to $750 per article, with the potential for more depending on the topic, word count, and research quality.

Read their detailed submission guidelines here.

3 Websites That Pay up to $750 per Article: Final Words

Making money by writing from home isn’t just a dream anymore. With the right information and dedication, it can become a reality.

Summing up, here are the three websites we discussed in this article —

  1. Clever: $200 for 700-800 words articles. $300 for longer pieces.
  2. Business Insider: $320 for personal essays and $350 for interview pieces.
  3. Mob Lab: $500 to $750 per article.

If you found this article helpful, don’t hesitate to share it with your writer friends so we can all grow together. And don’t forget to keep looking for opportunities because there’s always more out there.

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