4 Valuable Money Lessons From the 4 Best Finance Books

In this post, we’ll discuss some awesome finance books to help you manage your money well. These books will teach you the secrets of becoming wealthy through smart investing strategies and learning to make your money do the work for y

4 Valuable Money Lessons From the 4 Best Finance Books
Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

Learn to be wealthy better than any course can teach you.

A financial dream includes not just money but a lavish lifestyle and the freedom to do things you truly enjoy.

No matter how lofty they are, you can reach your financial goals if you work towards being financially literate.

In this post, we’ll discuss some awesome finance books to help you manage your money well. These books will teach you the secrets of becoming wealthy through smart investing strategies and learning to make your money do the work for you.

You can become financially smart if you apply these four lessons from four of my top-rated financial books. So here we go.

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1. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

Want to start investing but don’t know where to learn the fundamentals? The Intelligent Investor can help you understand the value of investing that’s focused on long-term profits.

Graham teaches us how to navigate through the market and pick companies with high intrinsic values. Buying shares from such companies can eventually turn into huge profits.

Undoubtedly this is the best book written on investing, as quoted by the financial legend Warren Buffett. The revised edition of the book is more thorough in explaining the application of Graham’s principles.

Biggest financial lesson from The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

The three basic principles of an intelligent investor are-

  • Setting long-term goals and seeing the bigger picture,
  • Protecting oneself from losses,
  • Not running behind crazy profits.

The Intelligent Investor teaches us to never trust Mr. Market. He can be indecisive and irrational in the short term.

After reading this book you’ll be able to make your own formula for investments catered to the goals that work best for you.

My favorite quotes from The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

“The intelligent investor is a realist who sells to optimists and buys from pessimists.”
“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Get yourself a copy here.

2. Money: Master The Game by Tony Robbins

Money: Master The Game is a must-read financial book for people of every income level. It contains a seven-step strategy for everyone who wants to achieve financial freedom.

After the financial crisis of 2008, the author, Tony Robbins, was determined to help people secure financial stability. This book is the result of his dedicated research of 10 years.

Money: Master The Game is the culmination of interviews with more than 50 financial experts, including some legendary billionaires like Warren Buffett, Steve Forbes, Jack Bogle, and many more. It has covered topics like money mindset, saving tips, acquiring assets, and compounding power.

Biggest financial lesson from Money: Master The Game

The book busts several myths about building wealth that stop us from achieving our financial goals. Robbins has mentioned some actionable steps to achieve financial freedom.

Most importantly, I learned the exponential power of compounding interest and how to utilize it in increasing my income. It has other strategies such as 3-bucket-systems for diversifying your investment-

  • a secure bucket,
  • a growth bucket, and
  • a dream bucket.

Give the book a read for more valuable financial information.

My favorite quotes from Money: Master The Game by Tony Robbins

“If you’re prepared, and you know what it takes, it’s not a risk. You just have to figure out how to get there. There is always a way to get there.”
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain. It’s about removing the fear in this area of your life so you can focus on what matters most.”

Get yourself a copy here.

3. I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

It is a myth that you’ve to sacrifice the things you love doing if you want to build wealth.

Growing your income and enjoying your life can go hand in hand.

I Will Teach You To Be Rich can help you save money even when you’re not working so that you can enjoy your life guilt-free.

This book is based on the principle that money saved is money earned.

Sethi lists various strategies to cut costs in different areas of life, so you can spend on the things you enjoy and start your retirement plan. The author explains some powerful strategies to set up high-interest bank accounts, pay student loans fast, save a good amount per month, and handle big expenses stress-free.

This book is a must-read for those who want to manage personal finance like a pro.

Biggest financial lesson from I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

I Will Teach You To Be Rich taught me how to take charge of my finances and take the necessary steps on time.

We should know how to track our income and direct it to automatically multiply it. The book emphasizes the importance of investing, even if it starts with just $10.

My favorite quotes from I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

“The 85 Percent Solution: Getting started is more important than becoming an expert.”
“Spend extravagantly on the things you love, and cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t.”

Get yourself a copy here.

4. Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

Most rich people are not rich by birth. They develop the habits and mindsets that lead them to a wealthy life. While others struggle financially despite their abilities, education, intelligence, and work.

Secrets of The Millionaire Mind shows how to overcome our mental barriers and acquire the habits that can make us rich.

The book contains some actionable steps to increase your income manifolds. You just need to draw out your money blueprint and keep revising it according to the life you want.

The secret of acquiring wealth is simple: think like rich people and learn from their experiences.

This is one of my favorite finance books that helped me form a growth mindset and unlearn old practices.

Biggest financial lesson from Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

Naturally, most people tend to replicate their parent’s income strategies for managing finances.

But if you want to accumulate wealth, you have to take charge of your money. It’s all about your mindset that can either help you grow or sabotage your finances.

If you despise rich people instead of learning from them, you can never be rich yourself.

My favorite quotes from Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

Rich people believe “I create my life.” Poor people believe “Life happens to me.”
“If you want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problems and start focusing on the size of you!”
“What you focus on expands.”

Get yourself a copy here.

All book cover images are sourced from Goodreads.

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