5 Things Every Person Should Experience at Least Once

Some can make you rich, and others can help you become the best version of yourself.

The road to self-improvement can be perplexing.

Without the right guidance, it’s easy to get side-tracked by the continual nagging advice on social media until you lose track of why you began your journey in the first place.

As someone who’s been passionate about self-improvement for as long as I remember, I’d love to share with you five things that you must try at least once in your life. And don’t worry, this advice doesn’t entail having cold showers every day, getting up at 5:00 a.m., or going to the gym to lift weights.

In fact, these are five tips that are easy to try, and yet, can have a life-changing impact on both personal and professional growth. Read on for five experiences every person should have at least once in their lives.

For a more candid version, watch this in video form here.

1. Building Something From Scratch And Watch It Succeed

It could be anything; you can be building your own home, remodeling a part of it, or finalizing the interior décor of that home.

It doesn’t matter what you’re creating; you must choose one project in which you are the only person involved in every aspect of the project, from its ideation to its completion.

What matters is that you need to be fully immersed and enthusiastic about it, regardless of its outcome.

And when that effort comes to a successful conclusion, it will fill you with such pride that it will be an entirely new experience. I believe that everyone deserves and needs to experience this sense of fulfillment at least once in their lives.

2. Making Money On The Internet

There’s a wild world out there on the internet. The possibilities are truly endless.

There are so many ways to monetize and generate money from your online presence. But, why did I add this one-of-a-kind experience to this list?

Well, earning money from your presence on the internet gives you a tremendous sense of power and validation. When strangers on the internet acknowledge your work and pay you for time and effort, it’s a lovely feeling of accomplishment that you won’t receive from your normal job.

If you love writing, here’s an excellent resource to help you earn 4 figures USD every month by blogging about whatever topic you choose.

3. Taking A Vacation Without Booking Return Tickets

Have you ever purchased an airline ticket without planning your return trip? If you do this while on a solo trip, kudos to you!

We humans have evolved not as lonesome and sedentary beings but as hunter-gatherers who were always on the move. We didn’t have any belongings and never really had a settled place to live in. We kept migrating from one region to another influenced by various external variables.

In this process, we built complex social connections and experienced new feelings that shaped the lives of the early homo sapiens.

Today, we know for a fact a lot of this genetic information from our early ancestors is still imprinted in our DNA.

This is why I believe travel is such a transformative experience.

When the trip includes an element of spontaneity or surprise, the bliss of living in the moment and not caring about your return trip will be a whole new life-changing event.

Of course, I realize the difficulties it entails if you’re a working professional. But believe me, if you manage your money and organize your life in a certain manner, it’s quite possible to carve out time from a busy schedule to go on a solo vacation to places you’ve never visited without buying a return ticket.

You could even head to another location from there, leading to a whole different level of adventure. When you return home after this, you’ll have a head full of memories and a heart full of love. This is such an underrated experience that I believe everyone, regardless of age, gender, or stage of life, should have at least once in their lives.

4. Living Alone

When I say living alone, I don’t mean living in a hostel or living in a shared accommodation. What I mean is having an entire house to yourself, where you are the only one making decisions about what to cook, what groceries to buy, or something as simple as what color bed linen to use.

Living alone can be a fantastic learning experience.

It’ll teach you a variety of life skills that you may not even have known to possess before. Moreover, gives you the courage and confidence to face the world on your own.

I honestly believe that if you have learned to live independently and successfully manage your finances, you will definitely have the mindset to triumph over anything that comes your way.

Again, if you have a family or are not yet reached legal age, it may not be feasible to live alone right away or give up all your relationships and simply take a house by yourself.

However, if you ever get the chance to immerse yourself in this experience, even if just for a few days, I strongly suggest you do so. It may initially sound absurd and scary, but the payoff is well worth the exertion.

5. Being Proud Of Who You Are

And the last thing that I believe every person needs to experience is living in a body that you’re proud of. Like I promised at the beginning of this article, I won’t ask you to go to the gym every day and lift weights for three hours.

However, it’s important to take good care of this body. If you consciously exercise and consume home-cooked nutritious meals, you’ll be super proud of yourself.

Losing weight, cutting inches, and being highly energetic becomes a very realistic goal. Furthermore, it fills you with gratitude and inspires you to believe in yourself like never before. This is more fulfilling than minting money or even landing a million-dollar project.

Personally, I feel that I’m in the best shape I’ve been in my life. I achieved this not by going to the gym or through intense aerobics. Instead, every morning, I enjoy 30 to 45 minutes of intuitive yoga flows. I try to eat as healthily as possible while occasionally indulging in a cheat meal.

This simple routine sets the tone for my day and helps me in a multitude of ways. If you’re committed to improving your body, fitness doesn’t take much effort. Instead, it becomes a lifestyle commitment.

After the first few days, the healthy choices will no longer feel like a burden. Rather, they will become something you’d look forward to and put into practice every day, no matter what stage of life you’re in, your age, your gender, or your occupation.

These were the five things I strongly believe need to be experienced by every person in the world. Do you agree?

I’d love to know your thoughts on the same. And if you’ve achieved any or all of this. I’d also love to know if you resonate with my outlook on life.

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