Celebrating Pride at Books Are Our Superpower


Celebrating Pride at Books Are Our Superpower

Calling for articles that celebrate queer authors and stories.

“If you don’t know why we still need Pride, you’re not paying close enough attention.” — Matt Bernstein

June is Pride Month, and we at Books Are Our Superpower would love to talk about queer authors and stories. Here’s how you can help us celebrate:

  • Write articles about books carrying queer protagonists.
  • Share with us your perspective and reading experience as a queer reader.
  • Tell us about your favorite queer authors and help us discover their books.

We would also love to house personal stories about being queer and discovering books that helped you feel seen, become more comfortable with yourself, or impacted you in any way.

All the stories adhering to this theme will be given a shoutout in our Sunday Newsletter (I haven’t been very consistent with them in the past, but this month will be different, I promise).

That’s pretty much it.

If you have a story about books with a Pride Month angle, we’d love to publish it and promote it for you.

Looking forward to all the awesomeness you come up with.

Editor, Books Are Our Superpower