How I’m Moving Closer to The Person I Want to Be (And you can do it too)

Imagine waking up every day with a strong sense of purpose.

The moment you open your eyes, you don’t mindlessly reach for your phone. You get up, brush your teeth, and set out to have the best day of your life.

If this mindset sounds too caricatured, let me tell you this is possible.

It’s what I’m striving for, and what I hope to help you adopt in your routine as well.

The gist? Faster decisions will improve your life.

In this post, I share my frameworks for:

  • choosing life-changing goals,
  • making faster decisions, and
  • fulfilling your potential with curiosity-driven decisions rather than the ones fueled by fear.

Read on, highlight sentences that resonate with you, and join in on the discussion in the comments.

1. Have an absurd goal

Your goal shouldn’t be an achievable one.

Achievable goals are scary.
Once you achieve them, your growth stagnates.
Stagnation leads to comfort.
Comfort stops you from dreaming big.

Don’t be like this.

Dream the biggest you can. In fact, dream so big, it scares you.

With this mindset, you’ll be surprised by how much you can do!

The caveat?

Because nothing can be as good as this and be easy!

Only set a goal you truly want to achieve. Goal-setting for the sake of it won’t give you any results.

Big and small goals take the same amount of effort. So why be shy to dream big?

Need help with goal-setting? Watch this quick tutorial.

2. Dissect the goal

Big goals can lead to big overthinking.

We all know overthinking only leads to us dissecting all the ways our big idea can fail.

To not let it happen, break your big goal down into tiny milestones.

  • Put them on the calendar,
  • Set realistic deadlines.

Time-block your life based on your goal.

This will make your “absurd” goal achievable.

Every day after you wake up, look at your goal and measure your progress. Brainstorm ways to shorten how long it will take for you to reach your big goal.

Before making any decision, ask yourself: “How can this take me closer to my milestone?”

Make your goal your north star ⭐

Keep it in your vision at all times.

Base all your decisions on how you can get closer to your goal.

A zoomed-out mindset gives more clarity on how & when to do what.

3. Periodically review progress

Track if you’re hitting your mini-goals every week, month, and year.

It’s the most productive way to:

  • Identify your strengths,
  • Fix bottlenecks, and
  • Double down on what worked.

Watch this video for a detailed step-by-step guide on how to do an effective personal review.

Regular reviews help you celebrate small wins. You appreciate your progress and stay in touch with your why. This motivates you to keep working harder as the goal gets closer than you first envisioned.

If you prefer doing reviews digitally, grab my free Notion templates to carry out a personal review and start editing.

I’ll leave you with this quote:

“Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars” — Norman Vincent Peale

Summing up: Frameworks to become the person you want to be

Here’s a three-step process on how you can become the person of your dreams:

  1. Have an absurd goal.
  2. Break down the goal into milestones.
  3. Start working and track your progress.

If you love writing and want to make it a career, join my FREE 5-day course. It’ll teach you the framework that took me 5 years to master and help you take the first step to be a highly-paid writer.

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