How Much Can Change in One Year?

All the ways 2023 has been awesome.

The new year is round the corner.

You might already be flooded with “new year new me” posts.

Don’t worry this isn’t one of them.

I’m not going to talk to you about the importance of resolutions. I’m sure you already know that.

I’m won’t say you need to make promises to yourself to become a better person in 2024. I’m sure you plan on doing that anyway.

Instead, today I want to invite you with me to take a pause. I know this year has been hard. You’ve been constantly running, trying to make ends meet, making the most of the cards you’ve been dealt.

You’ve done a great job.

You’ve made it this far.

Now, it’s time to give yourself that much-needed pat on the back.

Sometimes, we get so lost in running after what we don’t have that we forget to appreciate all the beautiful things that we do. Let today’s reflection be a window to look within yourself and express a word of gratitude to everything that you’ve taken for granted so far this year.

Slow down, give yourself the permission to rest.

You’ve come a long way in 2023. If you don’t acknowledge how far you’ve come, how would you know of the progress that you’ve made?

Year-end review exercise

Here are a few questions to help you with this inner reflection exercise. 

Feel free to take a pen and paper or you can also make notes on your phone or computer as you carry out this reflection exercise with me.

  1. What’s one area of life the 2022 version of you would be shocked has changed so much this year?
    This can be a good change or a bad change. Let’s not attach judgment but observe the transformation that’s come over us this year. 
  2. What’s one new habit, position, job, or relationship that you’re proud to have acquired this year? 
  3. What’s a day this year that you are super grateful for? 
  4. What’s your biggest goal for the next few months of your life? 
  5. What’s one drastic change you need to make this year — something without which you’ll never be where you want to be? 
  6. What’s something you wish to leave behind in 2023 because it no longer serves you purpose?

These answers won’t come easy. They’ll require a lot of self reflection and inner work. You need to let go of your excuses and find a way to be honest to yourself without attaching any judgment.

Maybe you didn’t make the kind of improvement you’d hope.

Maybe you got way better grades than you’d expected.

The outcomes are not in your hands. That’s not how life was supposed to be anyway. The only thing in our hand is the willingness to acknowledge your growth, understand your shortcomings and make sure you emerge from your challenges as a stronger person.

CTA for you: Share a message you want to take forward with you in 2024.

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