Mindset Shifts For Writers to Make 2023 Your Highest-Income Year Ever

Build a strong writing side hustle on the side without quitting your job.

2023 is the best time to be a highly-paid online writer.

With the advent of AI tools, the world of content has been exploding with buzz. While low-quality writers are getting replaced, the truly talented (and smart) ones are getting paid more than ever before.

If you dream to live a life where you get paid for writing what you love, you’ve come to the right place.

I quit my high-paying civil engineering job to become a full-time writer in 2021, and I haven’t looked back since.

In this post, I’m sharing the three mindset shifts that have helped me taste success in my writing career. You can steal them and apply them in your life to make 2023 your highest-earning year ever.

Excited to start? Let’s dive right in!

1. Start with quantity first

I know this must be the most-repeated piece of advice among the writing community. But there’s a reason this is spoken about so much: it’s true.

No matter how you put it, volume wins.

You can’t expect to write one article and build your whole career on it.

If you dream to publish twice a month and get rich, then that’s what it’s going to remain: a dream.

At the start of your career, publish a lot. This might sound like a lot of effort, but no good thing comes without working hard for it. Plus, writing a lot has multiple benefits:

  • You can find what works for you, aka the niches you love writing in that also yield results in terms of views and money. In other words, you “find your voice.”
  • A body of published work acts as your portfolio. When you’ve published 20 articles, you’re no longer a “beginner writer with no experience.” You’re a blogger who’s well on their way to learning the ins and outs of the writing business.
  • You learn about the online publishing world. You understand what formats work better on which platforms and how to keep your audience hooked until the end.
  • You build a community of loyal readers who, in the long run, will prove to be far more valuable than any high-paying gig you land.

2. Don’t write for algorithms

The reason is simple: algorithms change.

I know a writer who built a niche website with love. She published content for two years and was making a decent income from it. Her articles were ranking on Google and the traffic her website was getting got her a ton of affiliate income and brand collaborations as well.

Then, Google did a major change in its content policy in August 2022.

My friend’s website views dropped to less than 30% of her previous stats. Her website earnings crashed, and her new articles had a hard time ranking.

That’s what happens when you write for algorithms. The changes are unpredictable and not in your control.

But Anangsha, you ask, who shall I write for if not the algorithms?

Your audience.

The algorithms might change, but your audience won’t. Their needs and wants will remain the same. If you can find a way to provide them value, they will find your articles, irrespective of how drastically the algorithms change.

No matter what topic you write on, make the reader the hero of the story.

Know their problems. Understand what keeps them awake at night.

Don’t just sell them dreams. Offer them a solution that works.

In the fast-evolving digital landscape of 2023, providing real value is the only way to make yourself algorithm-proof.

3. Look at rejection as redirection

When you’re thinking of making money as a writer, a powerful income stream can be the one that comes from freelance clients.

No matter what service you charge for, whether it be —

  • Social media captions
  • Articles and blog content
  • Website and landing page copy
  • Ghostwriting for personal blogs

If you find high-paying clients, your writing won’t have to depend on algorithms or how whimsical online readers spend their time.

To be successful as a freelance writer, you have to send a lot of emails.

90% of them won’t even be opened. And half of the ones who do won’t want to work with you.

You cannot let rejection define you.

Let each rejection be a pointer on what needs to be improved in your cold email strategy. Keep following up. Keep searching for more and better prospects.

Here are some mindset shifts that will help —

  1. Learn cold outreach. You can’t scale your freelance writing business without this, especially if you want to have an international clientele.
  2. You need to have a strong offer that clients find it hard to refuse. Make sure your USP is clearly expressed, as well as what value you bring to the client.
  3. Keep following up on your cold emails. CEOs are busy people, and sometimes, even the fourth follow-up can lead to magical results you hadn’t expected.

Before we part…

From June 6–9, 2023, I’m hosting Freelance Superheroes— a 4-day live training program that will help you

✔️Figure out your niche and learn how to write valuable content

✔️Learn to do industry research to find your ideal client

✔️Refine your cold outreach strategy to maximize your response rate

✔️Create offers that prospects will find hard to refuse

✔️Land clients who pay you for writing about exactly what you love

If this sounds like something you’d benefit from, save your spot today.

The New Writer’s Blueprint to Quickly Make Money From Writing
You don’t have to wait for years to start earning $$$$.