entrepreneurship 5 Tiny Habits That Helped Me Write 30 Articles A Month (With a Full-Time Day Job) I wrote 30 articles a month, all because of 5 tiny habits that I’ll be sharing in this article.
personal growth Setting *Ridiculous* Goals vs *Simple* Daily Habits Failing to meet my new year resolutions taught me a valuable lesson.
mental health The “Do Nothing” Morning Routine That Took Me 10 Years to Build Peaceful mornings with simple, life-transforming habits.
creativity 6 Tiny Habits That Helped Me Write 850k Words in 3 Years How you can adapt them and build a daily writing habit.
self improvement Are You Productive, Or Are You Just Busy? Completing tasks on autopilot is the most dangerous thing you can do.
health 5 Habits to Stay Fit When You’re Not Consistently Working Out These habits don’t require you to be strictly discipline or make time for in your schedule. No matter what stage of life you’re at and how demanding your job is, you can still make room for these habits in your routine
books Unconventional Reads I Owe My Time Management Skills to Not your everyday self-help book recommendations list.
fitness What Pole Dancing Taught Me About Fitness And Health Pole dance is so much more than a mere sensual art form.
books 5 Leadership Lessons From 5 Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time Learn from the experience and learnings of top CEOs.
freelancers How to Set Rates as a Freelancer and Ensure You’re Getting Paid What You’re Worth This post draws on my experience of three years as a freelance writer. By the end, I hope you get some clarity on how to set rates and ensure you’re getting paid what you’re worth as a freelancer.
annual review How I’m Moving Closer to The Person I Want to Be (And you can do it too) I share my frameworks for choosing life-changing goals, making faster decisions, and fulfilling your potential with curiosity-driven decisions rather than the ones fueled by fear.